More hours of daylight and heavy rain showers show that we are in the beginning stages of springtime here in Kansas City. Which means less being cooped up in our homes and many events occuring on the weekends now! This weekend is expected to be wild with St. Patty’s Day creeping upon us. There are many different ways to get your green beer and enjoy traditions with friends this weekend.

To me, one of the most traditional ways to enjoy our Irish roots is the Snake Saturday Parade that is held in North Kansas City. As a child, I remember riding on the back of my dad’s Harley Davidson multiple different years in the parade being on cloud nine. As it goes, it is now 36th year for the parade, they have been able to raise over 1.4 million for local charities and non-profits over time. Along with Snake Saturday, of course Westport will be hosting their 47th annual parade on Sunday at 11 am down Broadway with Grand Marshal Eric Stonestreet (best known from Modern Family) and the theme for the floats this year will be “Shamrocks & Shenanigans”! After the parade, we all know how wild some of the Westport bars can be, especially on the rooftop of Kelly’s Westport Inn or across the street on Harry’s patio. Julep is doing their own version of a party being at the end of the parade route and offering various specials on green beers, Guinness beer, Jameson shots, 25% of Irish Whiskey, and specials on my favorite Irish coffee in town.
Many other locations around town will be hosting their own versions of St. Patty’s day parties. The Power & Light live block will have DJ Pauly D their to lead their outside shenanigans while others might be doing the bar crawl through Waldo and Brookside. Some of us might choose to sign up for the Westport St. Patrick’s Day 5K the day before or do a yoga class at the Kauffman Center. Parlor KC in the Crossroads District will be hosting something a little extra special this weekend. They will be having a watch party for Queer Eye Saturday evening to highlight the return of the fantastic show that was based here locally for its third season. The Truman KC as usual will be having a show Saturday night that you can boogie down to with Jukebox the Ghost & The Mowgli’s.I am certain that I missed a thousand other events and specials that will be going on this coming weekend. My point is, get out of the house, hang with family & friends and celebrate a day Kansas City parties to so well every year. It is important to be apart of your own culture and this weekend opens up so many opportunities to do so, don’t let them slip away!
Until next week,